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#121 Yoga Magic Ring

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Designed to improve your flexibility and aid your practice, the stretch ring is compact and multifunctional; if used properly, it can help you deepen your stretch, improve flexibility, and enhance your yoga practice or activity habits.

Use yoga rings as a tool to deepen your stretching exercises. The contour of the ring conforms to the natural curvature of the body; it provides stability during pulling exercises. You can hook the sole of your foot on the loop, hook your hand on the other side and stretch it out. Straighten your arms and feel the stretch of your legs.

Holding the shorter side of the ring and run the ring along the thigh and calf to relieve tension and tight muscles. Our stretch ring can be used like foam rollers and lacrosse; it provides myofascial release while helping stiff muscles, helping to relieve pain, restore alignment, and increase the mobility of muscles and joints.